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In the right in a sentence

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Sentence count:263+8Posted:2018-02-14Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: be in the righton the right trackthe right waydivine rightin the nightin the light ofin the spotlightdivine right of kings
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151. If we do not provide sufficient places, the necessary skill will not be in the right place at the right time.
152. A tumor had formed in the right frontal lobe of his brain.
153. Within a year, he eventually got the proto-reef soup headed in the right direction.
154. Fight the flab with fat-burning aerobic dance which is another alternative for those who only want to shake in the right places.
155. In making the change, the Church effectively admitted that on these points the Reformers had been in the right.
156. Mike's a little grouchy sometimes, but his heart's in the right place.
157. A: Read your letter ... like your style ... can point you in the right direction.
158. Captain Nagumo, an expert in torpedo warfare, was the right man in the right place.
159. It also assumes that existing people are already capable and only need pointing in the right direction.
160. They are ultimately responsible for its appearance in the right publication on the right day.
161. It may, for instance, be better to leave type unjustified in the right margin.
162. Implementing Cadbury will therefore be an experimental step in the right direction.
163. After the third treatment, colic in the right upper abdomen stopped and food by mouth was started without problems.
164. He can be rude and bad-tempered sometimes, but his heart's in the right place.
165. Re-thinking our management techniques would be an important step in the right direction.
166. I take the view that the charters go in the right direction.
167. Could you have shifted it as an individual in the right direction?
168. As for my own work, much of it is due to being in the right place at the right time.
169. It puts these images in the right locations on your screen, according to instructions from the server.
170. He's very fussy about his drinks being served in the right kind of glass.
171. Potomski picked up the puck in the right circle, spun and fired a no-look shot past goalie Wade Flaherty.
172. I voted for you in the last election and believed that you would lead this town in the right direction.
173. In the right ones its understated virtues burst into bloom all over again.
174. For the San Francisco 49ers, however, that axiom will change Saturday,[Sentencedict] particularly in the right guard position.
175. The doctor said a blood vessel in the right lung had burst.
176. At school he dared answer back to the Headmaster - politely - when he felt he was in the right.
177. Surveys and test data indicate that the district is headed in the right direction.
178. Forrester recommends three principles for companies wishing to build fences in the right place.
179. A chest radiograph was normal, but a ventilation-perfusion lung scan showed a matched defect in the right lower lobe.
180. It wasn't a graceful goal, but being in the right place at the right time is what counts.
More similar words: be in the righton the right trackthe right waydivine rightin the nightin the light ofin the spotlightdivine right of kingsin the limelightrightarightwrightbrightfrightrightsright offrightlyright nowget rightuprightfar-rightalrightall rightright onoutrightdo rightby rightput rightright-handbrighton
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